“The Little Foragers Kitchen”
Wild foraging experience days in Scotland
Wilderness & foraging experiences to enhance mental health and wellbeing, and boost personal development.
Take control of your health and well-being through the power of nature and the great outdoors

Public foraging experiences in Scotland
Public foraging Sessions

Private foraging experiences in Scotland
Private foraging Sessions
Wilderness Therapy Sessions
Wilderness Therapy Sessions
Wild foraging experiences in Scotland
We run wild foraging experience days in Scotland. With public, private and community events for outdoor enthusiasts and wild food fans. Unique immersive sessions. We also run wilderness events with many partners

Wild Foraging Experiences Across SCotland
Making Wild Food, Medicine & More Accessible For All.
Why we run foraging experiences at The Little Foragers Kitchen...
Our Human DNA is hard wired to be outdoors, it is where our sensory system evolved. We believe that spending time outdoors in a natural setting, wild crafting and foraging is the ultimate way to (re)connect with the Earth and our ancestors who walked this path before us. We are passionate about helping people of all ages to reconnect with this lost knowledge in an accessible, safe and fun way.

Who are our wild foraging experiences for?
From our wild foragers

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